Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yaha! I thought I'd done this. In an attempt to get something, anything posted, I've upped some half-finished drafts 'behind the scenes' here at Camp All I Want. Here's Tav Falco's debut LP, an early reissue on France's part-revered, part-reviled Fan Club Records. Tav's been having a bit of a renaissance of late. Look out for him, he may be playing a town near you. There's a touch of the Chaplins about Tav in that picture. Anyhow, if you like your Memphis-style rock and roll you'll probably like this one. This one is for Anonymous. Enjoy.

Tav Falco's Panther Burns - Behind The Magnolia Curtain - Fan Club Records LP FC 029.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Billy Childish's fourth 'proper band' (preceded by Pop Rivits, Milkshakes, Mighty Caesars) and possibly his most prolific. It was certainly a busy time for the Medway-based Renaissance man with singles being released at wallet-sapping speed from all four corners of the globe. According to their Wiki page, this was their fifth LP release out of around 26. Grunnen Rocks makes it Long Player number four. Not that any of it matters, of course. This was the band's first release on the Sub Pop label and there was even a la-di-da video made for Girl of Matches (actually, it was appropriately-low budget), alongside this specially-commissioned Daniel Clowes cover. It's Billy and the boys at their garage rock finest. This one is for Anonymous. Enjoy. (Oh, and if anybody cares to share the awful dance record made by Steve Fisk which either featured or sampled Mr. Childish please get in touch. I've not heard it since it permanently split my sides one painful day in Eastern Bloc records).

Thee Headcoats - Heavens To Murgatroyd, Even! It's Thee Headcoats! (Already). Sub Pop Germany LP SP 6/119.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I have no idea what Greg Lowery was thinking when he released this mix of early out-of-print material and unreleased cuts from Captain 9's. The sound at times resembles 80s shambling bands, at other times, badly-recorded amateurish punk. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. The record itself is too schizophrenic to hold together as a coherent twelve-incher. This one is for industrialnorth. Enjoy.

Friday, June 14, 2013

If I were following the script I'd have posted the Captain 9's LP, but I need to have a proper listen to them and decide what I'm going to write. Instead, I've jumped forward to this upload for Phil Gordon. It's topical, anyway. Oblivians have a new record out on In The Red. It's called Desperation and has been in the works for about a billion years, if not more. I suggest you buy it. It's good. Especially the cover of Stephanie McDee's bonkers Zydeco track, Call The Police.

What we have here is the band's Estrus Crust release from 1994. From what I can work out, the songs on this release were never reissued and have never appeared on CD. If that's wrong I'm sure one of you smart-arse fuckers will soon put me right. Coming next, Captain 9's & The Knickerbocker Trio. In the meantime, enjoy.

Oblivians - Blow Their Cool - Estrus Records 7" ES756.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our fourth Supersuckers upload and their earliest release on Sub Pop features them at their fastest. This EP features five tracks: Luck, I Say Fuck, Caliente, Retarded Bill and Four Stroke. Each is catchy enough to have supported a single on their own. This one is for badfoot9. Enjoy.

Supersuckers - Like A Big Fucking Train. Sub Pop Records 7". SP125.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I've waxed lyrical elsewhere on the blog about Bassholes, so I'll keep it short here...

I have nothing to say.

This is, as always, great stuff. And it's for Bad Brain. Enjoy.

Bassholes - When My Blue Moon Turns Red Again - In The Red Records 2xLP - ITR 059.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A way back when Estrus release. The Mortals fitted into the early Estrus taste for big, powerful, MC5-influenced rockers. They released three long players on Estrus, the first of which, Ritual Dimensions of Sound is likely to turn up here at some point. This one's for 'Anonymous'. Enjoy.