Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More tuneless kerfuffle from the heart of South City. This time released on Darin Rafaelli's Radio X label, as was their debut LP. Purists may want to look away now as I'm going to reveal that I have tinkered with this upload by way of an experiment. I was getting tired of having to sit through The Brentwoods' schtick of having loads of narrative build up to their songs, so I've cut it all away and just left the songs. But ... in order to please everybody I've also included the songs exactly as they appear on the record, with long am-dram intros and a fake radio advert for the LP. So, to clarify, when you unzip this there will be four tracks, not two. What you do with them is up to you. Enjoy.

The Brentwoods - Go Little Sputnik. Radio X 7" RX004.


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