So, who was to know that Mad Mummies March would be followed by Apathetic April? Not me. Anyhow, many things conspired to keep me away from this blog, (none of them worth mentioning), but I'm now back in the saddle and raring to go.
Impala are one of the very few bands I never saw live who I dearly would have loved to. Right from back in the day when they shared a split cassette release with The Oblivians (Come on, somebody out there must have made a digital copy of that. I know The Oblivians side had a limited release on Goner, but radio silence on the Impala front) they've been quality. If you've not heard them before they play great, non-surf instrumentals. The type of swinging beat favoured by 'groovy' teens in early, garishly-coloured US sitcoms. Actually, that makes them sound more cliched than they actually are. They're a great listen. Enjoy.
Impala - Play R&B Favorites - Estrus Records EP - ES793.
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